Last Sentinel
Set in the future on a war-ravaged Earth, four exhausted soldiers man Sentinel – a remote military base in a vast ocean that separates two warring continents. While their tour…
Wish You Well
A young girl and her brother come of age at their great grandmother’s house in Virginia during the 1940s. After a family tragedy, a young girl moves from New York…
The Wrong Teacher
Successful teacher and author Charlotte Hansen has a passionate, one-night stand with a younger man, Chris. She later finds out that he is 18 years old and a student at…
Tharlo is an orphan. Now grown up, he makes a living as a sheep herder in the village. He has grown a ponytail, so people simply call him “Ponytail”, since…
Double Standards
An upstanding, perfect couple of their community church, First Lady Trezjiir Jonez is a devoted wife of Pastor Noble Jonez, who lives a unknown double life, decides to engage in…
John Day
A mysterious death of a young girl unfolds a web of secrets and a conspiracy. The father of the girl, John day, is a simple , honest and god fearing…
Satya lives in a railway colony who dreams of playing for the railway cricket team and eventually representing Team India. Soon he falls madly in love with Nisha. However, Satya`s…
Kingdom of Us
How does a traumatic event shape a family? How do you sift through the memories to find hidden clues and unlock a collective grief? Kingdom of Us takes a look…