The Grudge 2
In Tokyo, a young woman is exposed to the same mysterious curse that afflicted her sister. The supernatural force, which fills a person with rage before spreading to its next victim, brings together a group of previously unrelated people who attempt to unlock its secret to save their lives.
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Director: Kazuko Shingyoku, Takashi Shimizu
Actors: Amber Tamblyn, Arielle Kebbel, Edison Chen, Matthew Knight, Misako Uno, Ohga Tanaka, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Sarah Roemer, Takako Fuji, Teresa Palmer, Yuya Ozeki
Keywords:Átok 2. Der Fluch - The Grudge 2 El grito 2 Forbannelsen 2 Garez 2 Grudge - Klątwa 2 I katara 2 Juon pandemic Kauna 2 Kletva 2 La maldición 2 O Grito 2 Pagieza 2 Smrtící nenávi2t Smrtící nenávist 2 The Grudge - A Maldição 2 The Grudge 2 Η κατάρα 2 Гняв 2 Проклятие 2