The Founding of an Army
The Founding of an Army is a Chinese historical film. Produced by Han Sanping and directed by Andrew Lau, it is the third installment of the trilogy called Founding of New China after The Founding of a Republic (2009) and The Founding of a Party (2011). The film features a star-studded cast of Chinese actors.[3] It was released on July 28, 2017 to mark the 90th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Liberation Army
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Director: Andrew Lau, Wai-Keung Lau
Actors: Bai-Ke, Hao Liu, Hao Ou, Haoran Liu, Jingchun Wang, Liang Dawei, Tianyu Ma, Ye Liu, Yi Feng Li, Yu Bai, Zhi-zhong Huang
Keywords:The Founding of an Army