A seemingly-harmless snow globe unleashes a devastating winter storm on a peaceful mountainside community, prompting one family on a race to save their town from certain destruction. As night falls on Christmas Eve, the Miller family finds a gift-wrapped snow globe just outside their door. Inside is an exact replica of their town – right down to the smallest detail. But this isn’t your typical holiday decoration, because every time it’s shaken, a blank of snow a blizzard blasts through town. Later, when the buttons on the globe plunge the town into total chaos, the Miller’s must find a way to stop the destruction once and for all.
Views: 87
Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Thriller
Director: Sheldon Wilson
Actors: Amitai Marmorstein, David Cubitt, Donavon Stinson, Dylan Matzke, Jeffrey Ballard, Laura Harris, Leanne Lapp, Lorne Cardinal, Magda Apanowicz, Michael Hogan, Teach Grant