Maa Da Ladla
The story revolves around Gora, Sehaj and Kevin. Gora is a struggling actor while Sehaj is a single mother who lives with her son Kevin. Sehaj hires Gora to play Kevin`s father. Will everything go according to plan?
Tiktok girls get a little too wild in Miami… Dropouts Podcast #56
Set at the end of the 1960s, as Swaziland is about to receive independence from United Kingdom, the film follows the young Ralph Compton, at 12, through his parents’ traumatic…
Mickey’s Magical Christmas: Snowed in at the House of Mouse
When a huge snowstorm leaves everyone stranded, Mickey and all of his guests at the House of Mouse, including Pooh, Belle, Snow White, Cinderella, Ariel and many more of his…
Drunk Parents
Two drunk parents attempt to hide their ever increasing financial difficulties from their daughter and social circle through elaborate neighborhood schemes.
Daddy Day Camp
Seeking to offer his son the satisfying summer camp experience that eluded him as a child, the operator of a neighborhood daycare center opens his own camp, only to face…