Follows a struggling small-town gas station attendant and aspiring singer, Jodi Jackson, whose life is sent into a tailspin when there’s a robbery at work.
The Unfair
Residents, who are evicted from their homes in a designated urban renewal, demonstrate against their removal. The police arrive and attempt to end the demonstration. Death happen that lead to…
The Bloody Child
This film was inspired by a real event—a young US Marine, recently back from the Gulf War, was found digging a grave for his murdered wife in the middle of…
The Third Strike
A deep dive into the 1980’s war on drugs that led directly to the three-strikes laws that locked up even petty offenders for lifetime sentences.
Lupin the Third: Episode 0: First Contact
The stickup that started it all! Lupin III and Fujiko are both after an ancient artifact Jigen is supposed to protect, while Goemon happens to be searching for his clan’s…