Bhairathi Ranagal
The story revolves around the life of Bhairathi Ranagal’s journey from being a law-abiding responsible lawyer to the benevolent crime boss of Karnataka.
Lua Phat
Assigned to protect a small town in Vietnam, Dao arrives to fight against the crime boss; but soon his past catches up with him, threatening to destroy the cherished village.
Hardcore Henry
Henry, a newly resurrected cyborg who must save his wife/creator from the clutches of a psychotic tyrant with telekinetic powers, AKAN, and his army of mercenaries. Fighting alongside Henry is…
The Island
In 2019, Lincoln Six-Echo is a resident of a seemingly “Utopian” but contained facility. Like all of the inhabitants of this carefully-controlled environment, Lincoln hopes to be chosen to go…
They’ve been stranded on Earth for 20 years, so Zygon commander Kritakh, and his second, Torlakh, have had plenty of time to re-create their world. The trouble is that Kritakh,…
Shoot to Kill
When a cunning murderer vanishes into the rugged mountains of the Pacific Northwest, pursuing FBI agent Warren Stantin must exchange familiar city streets for unknown wilderness trails. Completely out of…