Sanou, a bright 15-year-old, enrolls in the famous Henri IV school in Paris. In this prestigious institution, the young girl from the Saint-Denis outer suburbs finds herself dropped into a world a million miles from everything she knows.
Drama – Mickey Jones is an all-American rockabilly, complete with slicked-back hair and smokes rolled in his sleeve. Yet, behind his cool demeanor he is plagued by an abusive past….
Buddy Solitaire is a struggling comedian on the late night circuit. The only job he can get is teaching comedy to the mentally ill. Buddy discovers, however, that by helping…
Despite their social differences, poor David and the rich Olivier are the best friends. David took the young Eleanor in Olivier’s Paris apartment. When Olivier meets her there, he takes…
By the start of World War II, Paul Robeson had given up his lucrative mainstream work to participate in more socially progressive film and stage productions. Robeson committed his support…
Claire’s life as a nurse in a busy hospital is complicated by a supervisor who is intent on making her miserable with tedious and extra tasks. Claire’s only relief is…
If Harmony Korine and Luis Bunuel had taken a crack at co-directing Office Space it still wouldn’t be as bizarre as filmmaker Juan Ortiz’s crime/comedy/body horror filled debut.
Twenty-three-year old Peter Foster is an only child who lives at home, where he constantly hears his parents arguing. Because Peter does nothing all day, the family goes to a…
Two strangers – Brittany and Laurent – end up in the same cabin in the woods due to the landlord accidentally double booking his property. Both wanted to escape society…
The motivations of two men running an illegal assisted suicide service to help relieve suffering change with the the appearance of two very different women in their lives.