The film follows a 30-year-old man named Gabriel, a French war reporter who was taken to hostage in Syria and then heads to India after months in captivity.
YUL 871
An engineer from Paris flies to Montreal, partly on business, partly in search of parents displaced by World War II, and partly because of the prevailing restlessness of the age.
Aimy in a Cage
A creative teenage girl is forced to undergo a mind-altering procedure while a virus spreads throughout the globe. Crispin Glover co-stars in this black comedy-fusion-surreal plague thriller. A delicious, phantasmagoric…
Set in Tangier, Traitors tells the story of Maika, a calm, conservative girl by day and a leader of an all-girl punk group by night.
Mysteries of Lisbon
The tragic story of the many lives of Father Dinis, his dark origins and his pious works, and the different fates of all those who, trapped in a sinister web…
Black Swell
A man tries to kill himself in a motel room.
A brilliant young psychiatrist builds a machine in the hope of reconnecting with his dead wife but before he can overcome his grief, the machine uncovers something he never expected.