Black Rose
The story revolves around a babysitter named ‘My’ coming to work for a rich young family. As bonds start to form, and trusts built, ‘My’ begins to face everyone’s deep dark secrets.
The Shuroo Process
A young New York City journalist, frustrated with the pressures of a failing publishing world and a less-than-promising romantic life, is sent on a journey of self-improvement with catastrophic consequences.
A Home for the Holidays
A local hardware store owner who purchases a run-down house in a small Colorado town, only for the heir of the original owner to show up with his 10-year-old son…
Merle follows the invitation of her lover to spend the summer in the South of France. She is surprised to find only his children in the summer house. Did she…
Bed of Roses
The seeds of love are planted when Lisa, a high-powered investment banker, receives flowers from a secret admirer. But when his fairy-tale fantasies clash with her workaholic ways, they soon…