Chandlo is an upcoming Gujarati movie scheduled to be released on 22 Jul, 2023. The movie is directed by Hardik Gajjar and will feature Manav Gohil, Shraddha Dangar, Jayesh More and Kajal Oza Vaidya as lead characters.
Er shi si cheng ji
Chengdu nowadays. The state owned factory 420 shuts down to give way to a complex of luxury apartments called “24 CITY”. Three generations, eight characters : old workers, factory executives…
The Light of the Moon
After a New York City woman is sexually assaulted while walking home one evening, she struggles to accept the truth and rediscover the intimacy within her relationship.
The Happiest Man in the World
Asja, a 45-year-old single woman living in Sarajevo, meets Zoran, a 46-year-old banker, at a dating event. Zoran is not there looking for love though, but for forgiveness. During the…
Our Dancing Daughters
A flapper who’s secretly a good girl and a gold-digging floozy masquerading as an ingénue both vie for the hand of a millionaire.
Steven Universe: The Movie
Two years after the events of “Change Your Mind”, Steven (now 16 years old) and his friends are ready to enjoy the rest of their lives peacefully. However, all of…
Rabbit Hole
Life for a happy couple is turned upside down after their young son dies in an accident.