The Dawn
In a dystopian future, Matja and his family face an unresolved tragedy. Despite losing his faith and struggling to find his true self, the dawn breaks over the valley, revealing that the only way to deal with trauma and evil is to face them head-on.
Director: Dalibor Matanić
Actors: Kresimir Mikic, Lara Vladovic, Tihana Lazovic
The mother loves her daughter; the daughter loves her mother. The tragedy of misunderstood love. The adaptation of Magda Szabó’s novel translated into twelve languages.
The Issue with Elvis
West Virginia mushroom expert, Dr. Michael Mercer, lives alone in the mountains. One afternoon he happens upon a boy who follows him home. The scientist takes the child in, learning…
Every Day is Christmas
Inspired by the Charles Dickens classic A Christmas Carol, shrewd money manager Alexis Taylor (Braxton) gets the holiday visit of a lifetime. A self-proclaimed workaholic who ‘humbugs’ love, Alexis ends…