In a post apocalyptic world, two women find themselves shipwrecked and alone on a deserted island. As the girls fight to survive, their shared experience bonds them together in ways they could never have imagined.
In the 1970’s, a group of high-schoolers, obsessed with Star Wars, picks up an 8mm camera and attempts to make their own sci-fi film.
The story of Stevie, a construction worker, and his girlfriend, an unemployed pop singer, serves to show the living conditions of the British poor class.
Tu Dors Nicole
Making the most of the family home while her parents are away, 22-year-old Nicole is enjoying a peaceful summer with her best friend Véronique. But when Nicole’s older brother shows…
The Good Catholic
An idealistic young priest is dedicated to his calling until he meets a woman at confession. After the meeting, he seeks guidance from his fellow priests.
Treachery centers on a man (Biehn) who is reunited with his estranged son at a remote wedding party. When a storm strands the party, ugly truths are revealed.
Blue My Mind
15-year-old Mia faces an overwhelming transformation which puts her entire existence into question. Her body is changing radically, and despite desperate attempts to halt the process, Mia is soon forced…