Afflicted with a mysterious disease after surviving an overdose, a woman returns to her childhood home to confront her personal demons but instead discovers a real one.
The Awakening
1921 England is overwhelmed by the loss and grief of World War I. Hoax exposer Florence Cathcart (Hall) visits a boarding school to explain sightings of a child ghost.
Fountaine and the Vengeful Nun Who Wouldn’t Die
Mary, The Maniac Nun must battle through gangs of thugs, a corrupt Church and even a few Nazi’s to bring her sister’s killer to light and make them pay for…
Kiss of the Damned
Beautiful vampire Djuna tries to resist the advances of the handsome, human screenwriter Paolo, but eventually gives in to their passion. When her seductive and highly volatile sister Mimi unexpectedly…
The Haunting of Pendle Hill
Based on the reportedly haunted location of Pendle Hill in Lancashire, England, a location which was at the heart of a series of notorious and bloody witch hunts in the…
One Bad Turn
When a once loving and adorable wife decides to go a different route in what would be considered a perfect marriage.the consequences of her actions will leave behind a trail…
Uncle Sleazo’s Toxic and Terrifying T.V. Hour
A new horror anthology featuring frightening films, toxic trailers, and creepy commercials!
Exit Humanity
A decade after the American Civil War, Edward Young returns home from a hunting trip to find a horrific reanimation of his wife and that their son Adam has disappeared….