Lemonade Mouth
The story follows five disparate high school students – Olivia, Mo, Charlie, Stella, and Wen who meet in detention. They realize they are destined to rock, and ultimately form a band that becomes a champion for students sidelined by the high school elite.
Views: 258
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Family, Music, Musical
Director: Patricia Riggen
Actors: Adam Hicks, Blake Michael, Bob Jesser, Bridgit Mendler, Chris Brochu, Christopher McDonald, Hayley Kiyoko, Naomi Scott, Nick Roux, Shishir Kurup, Tisha Campbell-Martin
Keywords:Kisela faca Lemonade Mouth Lemonade Mouth - Die Geschichte einer Band Lemonade Mouth - Uma Banda Diferente Lemoniada Gada Limonádé Okus limunade Παγωμένη Λεμονάδα Лимонадена уста Лимонадный рот