In the aftermath of a mysterious High School ‘incident’, The school’s attorney questions the only witness, a student, in hopes of protecting the school from any lawsuits. But as this…
Frank Mollard, divorced but still attached, can’t move on and also can’t sell a house in a property boom, much less connect with his teenage son. One night Frank gets…
Ten-year-old Mrs. McCutcheon is having trouble fitting in at a new school until meeting Trevor, a tough little charmer who also suffers prejudice due to his Aboriginal heritage. With the…
In downtown Manhattan, a twenty-something boy whose Father is not around and whose Mother is institutionalized, is a big Charlie Parker fan. He almost subconsciously searches for more meaning in…
A shell-shocked Afghanistan war hero named Ivan Skryabin (Mikhail Skryabin) spends his days stoking the fire in a giant coal furnace. When he isn’t tending the flames, he keeps busy…
A group of working-class friends decides to enlist in the Army during the Vietnam War and finds it to be hellish chaos — not the noble venture they imagined. Before…