The Hydra
“The Hydra” is a fast-paced suspense thriller and feature documentary about the sudden rise of ecstasy in Europe to epidemic levels after the disintegration of the Soviet Union.
A Good Day to Die, Hoka Hey
This is the story of a man’s bravery to cover the world at war, and what it takes to get images published for the world to see. This is Jason…
Death at the Faucet: The Untold Story
In the heart of the American South, a city steeped in history finds itself at the epicenter of a modern crisis. Jackson, Mississippi – a community where echoes of the…
Black Pharaohs: Sunken Treasures
In a land of gold and ancient treasure, a recent discovery inside a pyramid sends archaeologists in search of clues about the glorious Nubian kingdom. But this isnt an average…
The Human Experience
The story of a band of brothers who travel the world in search of the answers to the burning questions: Who am I? Who is Man? Why do we search…
Searching Eva
This is the tale of a young woman, growing up in the age of the internet and turning the search for oneself into a public spectacle, allowing kids from all…
A Prayer for Compassion
The film follows Thomas on a quest across America, that ultimately takes him to Morocco for the UN Climate Conference and throughout the Indian subcontinent to ask people of faith…
The Beales of Grey Gardens
Mother and daughter – Big Edie and Little Edie Beale – live with six cats in a crumbling house in East Hampton. Little Edie, in her 50s, who wears scarves…
Joe Rogan: Triggered
Unleashing his inquisitive, intense comedic style, Rogan explores everything from raising kids and Santa Claus to pot gummies and talking to dolphins.
Strip Down, Rise Up
The feature documentary follows women of all walks of life, all ages and ethnic backgrounds, as they shed trauma, body image shame, sexual abuse and other issues locked in their…
Chris Tucker Live
Marvel’s Captain America: 75 Heroic Years
A full-length documentary that follows the history of Captain America from 1941 to present and explores how “Cap” has been a reflection of the changing times and the world he…